Optimal decision making in healthcare requires the ability to make accurate forecasts of the consequences of various clinical or policy options. This webinar will focus on the use of simulation modeling as a tool for making forecasts. Now that data is becoming abundant, healthcare modeling and simulation are more in demand. What are the different types of modeling available to researchers, analysts, and decision makers? What problems are best informed by which modeling methods? How can modeling be used to generate enough compelling evidence to support key decisions for specific populations?
In this webinar, Dr. Mark Roberts, professor of health policy and former president of the Society of Medical Decision Making, will address these questions in a 90-minute crash course that was also presented to a capacity crowd at Health Datapalooza. Interested and eligible participants will be invited to a follow-up training on ARCHeS, the online simulation and analytics suite developed by Archimedes, Inc.

Mark S. Roberts, MD, MPP- Professor and Chair, Department of Health Policy and Management, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health- Professor of Medicine, Industrial Engineering and Clinical and Translational Science
Mark S. Roberts, MD, MPP is Professor and Chair of the Department of Health Policy and Management at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health and is professor of Medicine, Industrial Engineering and Clinical and Translational Science. He obtained his BA in Economics from Harvard College, an MD from Tufts University, and a Master’s in Public Policy from the Kennedy School. He completed his clinical training at the Harvard Medical School, where he was a resident and fellow in general medicine.
With expertise in cost effectiveness analysis, decision analysis, clinical information systems, mathematical optimization, simulation and health policy, Dr. Roberts conducted research in application of these methods to health care decisions and the delivery of care for the past 25 years. He has published over 130 peer-reviewed papers, and been funded on over 40 federally funded grants. He has examined clinical, cost, policy and allocation questions in liver transplantation, the treatment of HIV disease, vaccination strategies, operative interventions, and the use of many medications.
Dr. Roberts has held leadership roles of several societies, served on multiple NIH review panels, was an associate editor of Medical Decision Making, and was that societies’ president in 2009. He recently was the Chair of the “Conceptual Modeling Working Group” of the joint International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research /Society for Medical Decision Making Best Modeling Practices task force, which recently published a 6-paper series of recommendations on modeling methodology. He has taught decision analysis, simulation and cost effectiveness for many organizations and in over 10 countries.
Who Should Attend?
Principle investigators, researchers, analysts, and decision makers in health policy, health outcomes research, and health economics, from the following government agencies:
- HHS (especially AHRQ, CDC, CMS, FDA, HRSA, and ASPE)
- HSR&D Centers of Excellence (especially CHQOER, CCDOR)
Xtalks Partner
Archimedes Inc. is a healthcare modeling and analytics organization. Its core technology – the Archimedes Model – is a clinically realistic, mathematical model of human physiology, diseases, interventions, and healthcare systems. Archimedes continually validates the Model by comparing the results of simulated trials to the results of multinational clinical trials and cohort studies.
Through products such as IndiGO and ARCHeS, Archimedes helps people understand the implications of their decisions. For the last 15 years, Archimedes has assisted health plans, health systems, medical groups, patients, Pharmaceutical companies, researchers, and other organizations in the United States and Europe answer questions related to health and economic outcomes research, policy creation, clinical trial design, and performance improvement. Archimedes, a Kaiser Permanente Innovation, is based in San Francisco, California. For more information about Archimedes and its product offerings, please visit the company’s website at www.archimedesmodel.com.
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