

Navigating the Path to Medication Adherence: Overcoming 8 Key Challenges

Navigating the Path to Medication Adherence: Overcoming 8 Key Challenges

Medication adherence is a critical factor in effective healthcare, with studies indicating that approximately 50% of patients do not follow their prescribed medication regimens.1,2 This lack of adherence contributes significantly to poorer health outcomes and increased rates of hospital readmissions.

The economic implications are profound, as nonadherence costs the US healthcare system an estimated $100 billion to $289 billion annually.3 These costs stem from additional medical treatments, hospital stays, and the increased use of expensive acute care. Moreover, from a pharmaceutical perspective, nonadherence means the full therapeutic potential of medications remains unrealized, leading to diminished effectiveness and lost opportunities to improve patient health on a broader scale.

Medication Adherence

Pack Health: Leading the Charge in Medication Adherence

Pack Health, now part of Quest Diagnostics, has established itself as a leader in supporting patient medication adherence programs for pharmaceutical partners. With extensive experience in crafting personalized patient engagement strategies, Pack Health has effectively addressed the complex challenge of medication adherence across various conditions and patient demographics. Our expertise is rooted in a deep understanding of the barriers to adherence and a commitment to leveraging innovative solutions to overcome these obstacles, demonstrating a significant impact on patient outcomes and healthcare efficiency.

8 Key Challenges to Achieving Medication Adherence

Before diving into Pack Health’s comprehensive approach, it’s essential to understand the key challenges that our experience has identified as critical hurdles to achieving medication adherence.

Medication Adherence

1. Awareness and education: Patients often lack comprehensive understanding of their conditions and the critical role medications play in their treatment, leading to unintentional nonadherence.

2. Psychological barriers: Fear of side effects, medication dependence, or a desire to avoid the stigma associated with certain treatments can deter patients from adhering to their regimen.

3. Complexity of regimens: Patients with complex medication schedules, especially those managing multiple conditions, are more likely to miss doses or become noncompliant.

4. Economic factors: The high cost of medications, especially for those without insurance or with inadequate coverage, is a significant barrier to adherence.

Tackling medication adherence requires more than piecemeal solutions; it demands a comprehensive and integrated approach.

5. Access and convenience: Difficulty in accessing pharmacies, long wait times, and transportation issues can prevent patients from obtaining their medications.

Together, we can address the complexities of medication adherence and unlock the full potential of therapeutic interventions.

6. Perception of need in asymptomatic conditions: For conditions with silent symptoms, patients may not perceive the immediate benefit of their medication, leading to discontinuation or sporadic adherence.

7. Healthcare provider communication: The effectiveness of medication adherence is also hindered by uninformed decision-making and limited or poor communication with health professionals. Complex drug regimens and patient disengagement further complicate the scenario, making it crucial to enhance the clarity and quality of interactions between patients and their healthcare providers.

8. Lack of support systems: Patients without a strong support network may struggle with medication adherence due to emotional, physical, or logistical challenges.

Medication Adherence

Pack Health’s Holistic Approach

Understanding that medication adherence is a multifaceted issue requiring a nuanced and integrated approach, Pack Health has developed a holistic strategy to tackle these challenges head-on. Our approach encompasses the following:

  • Bespoke patient support programs: Tailored to meet the individual needs of patients, ensuring that the support provided is as relevant and effective as possible. Pack Health’s programs consider the unique challenges and circumstances of each patient, offering a truly personalized engagement strategy.
  • Multichannel communication: Ensuring patients receive consistent and accessible information through their preferred channels
  • Single, dedicated point of contact: Offering personalized support and guidance to navigate their healthcare journey.
  • Proactive engagement strategies: Utilizing data-driven insights to anticipate patient needs and intervene before adherence issues arise.
  • Comprehensive education programs: Empowering patients with the knowledge about their conditions and emphasis on the importance of adherence.
  • Community and support networks: Connecting patients with peer support to share experiences and strategies for overcoming adherence barriers.


Tackling medication adherence requires more than piecemeal solutions; it demands a comprehensive and integrated approach. Pack Health stands at the forefront of this challenge, offering proven strategies and support systems to improve patient outcomes and enhance the effectiveness of healthcare treatments.

We invite pharmaceutical partners to join us in this vital mission. Together, we can address the complexities of medication adherence and unlock the full potential of therapeutic interventions. For more information and to collaborate, visit our website or contact us directly.


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017, February 21). Medication adherence: Increasing the patient’s role in their care. CDC Public Health Grand Rounds. https://www.cdc.gov/grand-rounds/pp/2017/20170221-medication-adherence.html
  2. Bosworth HB, Granger BB, Mendys P, et al. Medication adherence: A call for action. American Heart Journal. 2011;162(3):412-424. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ahj.2011.06.007
  3. Viswanathan M, Golin CE, Jones CD, et al. Interventions to Improve Adherence to Self-administered Medications for Chronic Diseases in the United States: A Systematic Review. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2012;157(11):785-795. https://doi.org/10.7326/0003-4819-157-11-201212040-00538

Medication Adherence