Discover an informative webinar focusing on cutting-edge advancements in blood sugar control and the significant benefits of sugar-blocking ingredient and its impact on health goals.

There are many reasons why 30 percent of the global population wants to improve their blood sugar levels in the next 12 months. Beyond the genetic predisposition of diabetes, individuals are motivated by desires to increase longevity, maintain healthy lifestyles, achieve weight loss, ensure steady energy levels throughout the day, enhance mental clarity for optimal work performance and optimize biohacking and metabolic control for sports performance.

The increased interest is evidenced by the increase in not only no/low-sugar product launches but also in an over 50 percent increase in launches of blood sugar management products worldwide. Consumers are looking for solutions to help them keep their resolutions as part of their self-care routine.

In this webinar, the attendees will gain insights into:

  • Health-related objectives of consumers
  • A natural, patented sugar-blocking ingredient and formulation technique
  • Review results of a recent clinical study and previous preclinical/clinical evidence
  • Glycemia, glycated hemoglobin and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), as well as their role in metabolism
  • How the sugar-blocking ingredient affect blood sugar and blood glucose markers

Register for this webinar to explore how a natural sugar-blocking ingredient can meet the health goals of a glucose-conscious population.


Joanna Moro, Ingredia

Joanna Moro, Clinical Trials Specialist, Ingredia

Joanna Moro has completed her PhD in nutritional sciences. During her PhD, she studied the effect of protein and amino acid deficiency on protein and energetic metabolism in growing rats.  Joanna has been a Bioactives Clinical Trials Specialist for Ingredia in charge of developing preclinical and clinical studies for a range of bioactive peptides.

Message Presenter
Cécile Da Cunha, Ingredia

Cécile Da Cunha, Senior Product Manager Ingredient, Ingredia

Cécile Da Cunha joined Ingredia’s global marketing department in 2020 after seven years in veterinary pharma and nine years in consumer goods. In charge of marketing the bioactive ingredients range, she has a MSc in management and international marketing.

Message Presenter

Who Should Attend?

This webinar will appeal to:

Professionals working in marketing and R&D as well as Purchase Managers willing to address the glucose-conscious population’s needs.

What You Will Learn

Attendees will learn about:

  • Health-related objectives of consumers
  • A natural, patented sugar-blocking ingredient and formulation technique
  • Results of a recent clinical study and about previous preclinical/clinical evidence
  • Glycemia, glycated hemoglobin and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), as well as their role in metabolism
  • How the sugar-blocking ingredient affect blood sugar and blood glucose markers

Xtalks Partner


Dairy explorers since 1949, Ingredia Inc offers dairy ingredients relying on high-quality specifications. Committed in sustainability and expert in innovation, Ingredia works to feed and protect better. Since May 2023, Ingredia joined now the international community of B Corp companies.

Ingredia’s dairy-based bioactive ingredients are used in numerous applications such as dietary supplements or functional foods and beverages. They are clinically proven and sought after for their recognized positive effects on health and well-being.

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