Ten years ago, people sleeping for less than six hours represented 20 percent of the French population; this number has recently reached 35 percent. This is not a France-specific issue. The lack of sleep quality has been observed all over Europe, China, Japan, USA and Brazil.
The overall sleep duration has been decreasing below the recommended duration of 7 to 8 hours, slowly but regularly, especially in big cities. As per a McKinsey report, the economic cost of lack of sleep is around $400B every year, just in the USA.
The overall sleep quality is a challenge for everyone with 58 percent of respondents of a survey — which was only 39 percent in 2019 — willing to address sleep quality in the next 12 months (FMCG Gurus 2023). This life target will help a variety of industries from sleep tech Internet of Things (IoT) and apps to sleep aids or meditation courses. Indeed, sleep is intertwined with many fields of our everyday life and can quickly become a pain point when lacking. The benefits of a good night’s sleep include:
- Cognitive performance (focus, learning, consolidation and recalling of information for full memorization)
- Athletic performance (muscle recovery, increased focus)
- Healthy weight loss/gain (chronic lack of sleep being linked to weight gain)
- Emotional health (lack of sleep leading to irritability, anxiety or depression)
- Delayed indications of chronic diseases and overall better lifespan
- Ability to avoid accidents (lack of sleep going with lower judgement and reflexes)
These pain points open many doors for health and nutrition offer positionings. Among the supplement industry, active ingredients with varied and sometimes complementary modes of action abound. Their efficacy and safety profiles are uneven and can make it hard to choose the perfect combination.
In this webinar, attendees will have an overview of several famous ingredients in the sleep field before learning about Lactium®, a melatonin-free ingredient strong with ten clinical studies and 8 in 10 consumers satisfied with their sleep improvement.
The expert speakers will demonstrate how Lactium® answers the challenge of sleep quality on several important markers both through its very latest 2024 clinical study as well as from a selection of previous clinical results.
Register for this webinar today to explore the latest insights on improving sleep quality with Lactium®, a melatonin-free ingredient, and how it can make a difference in sleep health.

Joanna Moro, Clinical Trials Specialist, Ingredia
Joanna Moro completed her PhD in Nutritional Sciences. During her PhD, she studied the effect of protein and amino acid deficiency on protein and energetic metabolism in growing rats.
Since January, Joanna has been a bioactive clinical trials specialist for Ingredia and is in charge of developing preclinical and clinical studies for the range of bioactive peptides.

Cécile Da Cunha, Global Brand Manager Ingredient, Ingredia (Arras, France)
Cécile Da Cunha joined Ingredia’s global marketing department in 2020 after seven years in veterinary pharma and nine years in consumer goods. In charge of marketing the bioactive ingredients range, she has an MSc in Management and International Marketing.
Who Should Attend?
This webinar will appeal to professionals working in the following fields:
- Pharma manufacturers – bioactives marketing and R&D
- Healthcare professionals
- Purchasing Managers keen to meet the needs of people concerned about their stress management
What You Will Learn
Attendees will learn about:
- The growing importance of sleep for consumers worldwide
- The main ingredients on the market to formulate sleep aids
- The science behind Lactium®
- The latest results of the 2023-24 study on sleep
Xtalks Partner
Dairy explorers since 1949, Ingredia Inc offers dairy ingredients relying on high quality specifications. Committed in sustainability and expert in innovation, Ingredia works to feed and protect better. Since May 2023, Ingredia joined now the international community of B Corp companies.
Ingredia’s dairy-based bioactive ingredients are used in numerous applications such as dietary supplements or functional foods and beverages. They are clinically proven and sought after for their recognized positive effects on health and well-being.
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