In this webinar, attendees will learn how genomics and machine learning can provide a highly accurate method for both skin and respiratory sensitization assessment of chemicals, including “difficult-to-test” substances.
Predictive toxicology is a discipline that aims to proactively identify adverse human health and environmental effects in response to chemical exposure. GARD – Genomic Allergen Rapid Detection – is a next-generation, animal-free testing strategy framework for assessment and characterization of chemical sensitizers. The GARD platform integrates state-of-the-art technological components, including utilization of cell cultures of human immunological cells, omics-based evaluation of transcriptional patterns of endpoint-specific genomic biomarker signatures and machine learning-assisted classification-models.
To this end, the GARD platform provides accurate, cost effective and efficient assessment of skin and respiratory sensitizing capabilities of neat chemicals, complex formulations, mixtures and solid materials. GARD assays are successfully applied throughout the value chain of chemical and life science industries, including safety-based screening of candidates during preclinical research and development, monitoring of protocol changes and batch variations, monitoring of occupational health and for registration and regulatory approval.
Based on the GARD technological platform, several assays for various toxicological endpoints are currently available, including GARDskin for assessment of skin sensitizers, GARDpotency for subcategorization of skin sensitizers according to their relative sensitizing potency and GARDair for assessment of chemicals able to sensitize the respiratory tract. GARDskin and GARDpotency are currently being validated for regulatory acceptance (OECD, TGP 4.106), both exhibiting state-of-the-art predictive performance and reproducibility. GARDair and GARDpotency are first-in-class within their respective toxicological endpoint in an animal-free setting.
This presentation will introduce the developmental phases of the GARD assays and discuss the technological origins of the observed high predictive performance, as well as how the assays help industries overcome their specific challenges in safety testing in a broad applicability domain, as well as illustrate how GARD assays facilitate efficient decision-making in compliance with the principles of the 3Rs.

Andy Forreryd, PhD, SenzaGen AB
Dr Andy Forreryd holds a Master of Science in molecular biotechnology from the Faculty of Engineering LTH at Lund University and a Doctor of Philosophy in Immunotechnology from Lund University. He has many years of experience working with in vitro assay development, genomics and machine learning. Dr Forreryd currently serves as a Scientific Liaison Manager at SenzaGen. He is also co-developer of the GARD platform for the assessment of chemical sensitizers and is the inventor of two patents related to the technology.

Henrik Johansson, PhD, Chief Scientist, SenzaGen AB
Dr Henrik Johansson is a Life Science professional with more than ten years of research and development experience in the fields of immunology, toxicology and cell & molecular biology. Specialized in in vitro assay development for predictive toxicology and a co-developer of the GARD platform, Dr Johansson is passionate about bringing the latest advances in technology to practical use for the benefit of society.
Who Should Attend?
Decision Makers and Toxicologists within the Chemical industry. Typical roles for the Decision Makers could be related to R&D, Product Development, Quality & Regulatory and CSR.
What You Will Learn
In this webinar, attendees will gain insights into:
- How to optimize in vitro testing strategies for safer products and cost savings
- How the GARD assays’ high accuracy, demonstrated human relevance and broad applicability can support specific testing needs, including “difficult-to-test” substances
- How the GARD technology platform works and why it is highly accurate – the prediction model, genomics and machine learning technology
- How customers across the chemical industry use the assays for skin and respiratory sensitization testing. Get insights from industry partners from several applications and case studies
Xtalks Partner
SenzaGen is an innovative biotech company that develops and sells in vitro testing methods for safety assessment of various toxicological endpoints across different industries. The tests replace animal experiments with a genomic-based testing platform combining pattern recognition and machine learning, providing high informational content and a holistic view of the immunological responses, resulting in high predictive accuracy whilst supporting product safety and cost efficiency.
The GARD test portfolio includes assays for skin and respiratory sensitization and specializes in difficult-to-test samples, helping companies through the hurdles in product life cycle. Hundreds of samples have been tested with GARDTM and successfully reported. Sales are performed via partners, SenzaGen’s headquarters in Sweden and its sales office in the USA.
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