Human Whole-Genome Sequencing in a New Era Defined by the Illumina® HiSeq X® and NovaSeq™ Platforms

Life Sciences, Laboratory Technology,
  • Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Illumina’s HiSeq X® and NovaSeq™ series of sequencers have ushered in a new era of high-throughput human whole-genome sequencing. Advances in sequencing technology continually drive the evolution of sample preparation, sequencing and primary data analysis processes in the pursuit of robust, production-scale pipelines.

In this webinar, sponsored by Roche, each of the presenters provides an overview of their large-scale WGS library and sequencing pipelines, and discuss the optimization they have done for sequencing on the HiSeq X® platform. They will also share their experiences with the NovaSeq™ platform to date. Other current topics, such as sequencing of FFPE samples, a comparison of clinical exome vs. whole-genome data, and sequencing of large, non-human genomes will also be addressed.

*For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


Robert Fulton, M.S. Director of Development

Robert (Bob) Fulton is the Director of Development at the McDonnell Genome Institute at Washington University (MGI), where he is responsible for delivering genomic solutions to a broad range of clinical and research questions. Bob joined MGI in 1994, and has over 23 years of experience in the generation and analysis of DNA sequences. Throughout his time at MGI, he has led production-scale targeted sequence efforts, the sequence improvement (finishing) pipelines responsible for genome sequence refinement; and most recently, project and technical development at MGI. The skills and expertise he has developed over the years are now applied to the development of sequence-based strategies designed to answer critical questions associated with the use of genomics in the clinical and research environments.

Message Presenter

HarshaVardhan Doddapaneni, Ph.D. Assistant Professor

Dr. Doddapaneni has a broad background in molecular biology and genomics, with specific training and expertise in key research areas of NGS sample preparation and management of large scale sample preparation operations. Since joining the BCM-HGSC in 2012, he has directed the front-end procedures of sample intake, DNA and RNA library construction for next-gen platforms and exome capture. He built automated library preparation pipelines for HiSeq X®and NovaSeq™ platforms, and developed multiple protocols for DNA and RNA sequencing from challenging samples. He also has considerable experience in evaluation and application of early access protocols and emerging technologies and provides technical support to the HGSC-Clinical Laboratory.

Message Presenter

Who Should Attend?

  • Genetics and Genomics Researchers
  • Principle Investigators
  • Laboratory Scientists
  • Genome Center Directors, Project Managers, Lab Managers
  • Small Core facilities Directors, Project Managers, Lab Managers
  • Researchers interested in human Whole-genome Sequencing

Xtalks Partner


Roche Sequencing Solutions is working to make next-generation sequencing simple and accessible enough for routine clinical use. We are developing differentiated, highly integrated end-to-end solutions for next-generation sequencing (NGS), resulting in a sample in, result out workflow. Roche is innovating across the sequencing workflow, from strong sample isolation and preparation tools, to novel sequencing technology, medical content, and advanced informatics solutions.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all Roche products and services referenced in this presentation/document are intended for the following use:
Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
KAPA is a trademark of Roche. All other product names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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