Improving Flexibility & Participant Engagement for Oncology Patients

Life Sciences, Pharma, Biotech, Clinical Trials, Patient Recruitment & Retention,
  • Thursday, June 29, 2023

What if an oncology patient lives far from their research site? Would the option to participate in a more flexible way bolster participant engagement?

Conducting trials in a patient’s own community has helped sponsors and sites recruit and retain more patients. In fact, almost 12 percent of MRN visits conducted in the last five years have been categorized as “out of hours”, meaning these visits were delivered outside the standard business hours window, including evenings and weekends, meeting the patients at the location and time of their choosing.

The flexibility to deliver care to patients where and when they want, helps sponsors conduct more patient-centric trials, giving the patients more options for participant engagement.

For oncology patients, this flexibility allows them to remain in their homes during a physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting time. In addition, it keeps them close to their family and friends and provides support through home clinical trial visits. There is no one size fits all and each trial, patient and family are unique.

During this webinar, the featured speakers will share the reality of a standard clinical visit for an oncology patient and how that story can change with the introduction of patient-centric, community-based clinical trials.

Join the experts as they share their knowledge and expertise on participant engagement and the realities of supporting oncology patients on their clinical trial journey.


Caroline Potts, MRN

Caroline Potts, Vice President of Visit Delivery, MRN

Caroline Potts has worked for MRN since 2018, her current role being Vice President of Visit Delivery. Prior to this role, Caroline was Executive Director for Visit Management managing a global team of Project Support Associates and prior to that, a Project Director overseeing a large portfolio of clinical trials as well as managing her own portfolio of trials in haemophilia and Parkinson’s disease.

Before joining MRN, Caroline worked in the public sector for 15 years supporting research in hospitals and the primary care setting as well as providing support to research academics by writing funding applications, making submissions to regulatory authorities and running a large portfolio of studies to ICH-GCP requirements in clinical specialties such as stroke medicine, Parkinson’s disease, orthopaedics, gastrointestinal medicine and respiratory medicine. During this time, Caroline was one of the founding members of the UKRD group as well as an Executive member of the RD Forum providing R&D directors and research staff working in the public sector with strategic guidance in supporting high quality research in the NHS.

Message Presenter

Helena Baker, Co-Founder and Advisor, Rare Disease Nurse Network

Helena trained as a nurse and specialized in theatres and anaesthetics.  She became the first ever anaesthetic nurse at the Royal London Hospital, supporting some of the most seriously injured patients in the south of England, as part of the Helicopter Emergency Medical Service.

Helena then moved into the pharmaceutical industry in sales and product management, working across Europe in pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Clinically, Helena worked in urology and oncology and then moved to the Medical Research Network.

As one of the founders, Helena fulfilled several roles, including Director of Nursing and Global VP for Operations & Nursing.

Helena was born with a rare disease called Fibular Hemimelia and spent most of her early years in hospital.  7 years ago she had her right leg amputated, and has since done 2 parachute jumps, walked miles and has recently taken up canoeing.

Helena joined the Rare Disease Nurse Network at its formation in 2018 and having spent 2 years as interim CEO, has now taken a happy back step and is an Advisor of the charitable organisation.   Passionate about improving access to specialist care in rare disease, she aims to enable healthcare professionals to reach the expert advice and knowledge to help them improve care.

Message Presenter

Who Should Attend?

  • C-suite
  • VP level
  • Medical Director
  • Clinical Development Director
  • Operational Director
  • Clinical Director
  • Clinical Innovation
  • Patient Engagement
  • Patient Advocacy
  • Patient Recruitment
  • Patient Services
  • Principal Investigator
  • Clinical Trial Managers
  • Study Coordinators
  • Clinical Trial Manager
  • Clinical Research Coordinator
  • Director Clinical Research

What You Will Learn

Attendees will learn:

  • How a patient-centric trial design can improve the patient experience
  • How to deliver in-home, community-based care for oncology trials across multiple countries
  • The regulatory considerations for in-home oncology trial delivery
  • The benefits to the sponsor when recruiting oncology patients

Xtalks Partner


MRN has led the way efficiently delivering high quality complex Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCT) from patients’ homes for over 16 years. We understand the complexities of today’s clinical trial environment and the burden placed on both patients and sites. Our decentralized trial and site support solutions are designed to ease these burdens, therefore accelerating patient recruitment, enrollment, and retention, maximizing the impact of the trial for the pharmaceutical sponsor – getting drugs to market faster. MRN are the catalysts of decentralized trials; combining the right clinical and digital DCT elements, to engineer the right solution for each trial. Learn more about MRN:

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