Leveraging Remote Assessments and Central Raters to Optimize Rare Disease Clinical Trials

Life Sciences, Pharma, Biotech, Clinical Trials,
  • Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Fully remote or hybrid administration of clinical outcome measures in rare disease clinical trials is increasing due to the ongoing pandemic, and as study teams recognize a remote approach to testing can reduce burden on patients and families.

In this webinar, Dr. Pam Ventola will share common pitfalls and tips for success when adopting remote testing in rare disease clinical trials. She will describe the types of assessments that can feasibly be conducted remotely and how to prepare site raters to successfully conduct remote assessments.

In addition, many assessments in rare disease clinical trials are quite complex to score or involve subjective scoring. As such, the need for central raters to centrally score these assessments has grown significantly. Furthermore, using central raters in a clinical trial can provide significant benefits to study teams, particularly by decreasing variance and increasing reliability in the data collected.

Dr. Ventola will describe how to leverage central raters to conduct remote assessments, the key elements to consider when adopting a central rater approach, the assessments that can be scored centrally and how to maximize data quality using this method.


Pam Ventola, Cogstate

Pam Ventola, PhD, Senior Science Director, Pediatric and Rare Diseases, Cogstate

Dr. Pam Ventola leads Cogstate’s Rare Disease and Pediatric Center for Excellence, providing strategic oversight and expert guidance throughout all stages of study planning and execution. She is also an Associate Professor at the Yale Child Study Center. As a licensed clinical psychologist, Dr. Ventola’s primary clinical expertise is in pediatric neuropsychology and specifically developmental and genetic disorders

Message Presenter

Who Should Attend?

Executives, directors, scientists and managers from pharma, biotech and contract research organizations (CROs) responsible for the clinical development of hybrid or decentralized clinical trial solutions, in rare disease studies, including:

  • Research and Development
  • Clinical Operations
  • Clinical Science
  • Outcomes Research
  • Outsourcing and Procurement
  • Project Management
  • Clinical Trial Planning and Optimization
  • Medical Affairs

What You Will Learn

Register for this webinar to learn about the:

  • Types of assessments that are feasible to conduct remotely in rare disease clinical trials
  • Strategies for conducting remote clinical assessments
  • Strategies for utilizing central raters for scoring of clinical assessments

Xtalks Partner

Cogstate Ltd

Cogstate Ltd (ASX:CGS) is a leading science and technology solutions provider dedicated to optimizing the measurement of cognition in clinical trials, academic research and healthcare. Cogstate provides enabling technologies and professional services for higher quality neuropsychological assessments and is a pioneer in commercializing rapid, reliable and highly sensitive computerized cognitive tests. Cogstate customers include the world’s leading biopharmaceutical companies; elite sporting organizations and military; physicians and patients; renowned academic institutions and public-private partnerships. For more information, please visit www.cogstate.com.

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