

World Hunger Day 2024: How the Food Industry Can Get Involved

World Hunger Day 2024: How the Food Industry Can Get Involved

This year’s World Hunger Day theme, "Thriving Mothers. Thriving World.," aims to raise awareness about malnutrition and support communities in breaking the hunger cycle. Photo courtesy of The Hunger Project.

World Hunger Day 2024 is fast approaching, offering an opportunity to address global food insecurity. This day, observed annually on May 28, brings together organizations, communities and individuals to fight hunger worldwide.

World Hunger Day was founded by The Hunger Project in 2011. This global initiative aims to raise awareness about the hundreds of millions of people who suffer from chronic hunger. Founded in 1977, The Hunger Project is a global movement committed to creating a world without hunger. It believes in a sustainable, lasting solution to ensure people do not live in hunger.

The Hunger Project’s mission is to empower people in developing countries to lead self-reliant lives. By addressing the root causes of hunger, such as poverty, gender inequality and lack of education, The Hunger Project works towards long-term change.

Related: World Food Day 2023: Theme, Significance and How to Get Involved

World Hunger Day 2024 Theme: Thriving Mothers. Thriving World.

World Hunger Day 2024 addresses the rising malnutrition rates, particularly affecting women and girls, due to the rising cost of living, conflict and climate change. Globally, 42 percent of people cannot afford a healthy diet, perpetuating a cycle of chronic hunger. Malnourished mothers give birth to malnourished babies, leading to irreversible impacts on children’s brain development and futures. 

This year’s theme, “Thriving Mothers. Thriving World.,” aims to raise awareness about malnutrition and support communities in breaking the hunger cycle. Investing in the nutrition of mothers and children is crucial for achieving a thriving future.

Why Food Security Matters

Food security means having reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food. It is crucial for health, well-being and economic stability. Despite global progress, millions still lack access to adequate food.

Food security is essential for:

  • Health and nutrition: Proper nutrition is vital for physical and mental development.
  • Economic stability: Food insecurity can lead to economic instability and social unrest. Consistent food supply chains support robust labor markets and foster economic growth.
  • Environmental sustainability: Sustainable agricultural practices protect natural resources and promote biodiversity. By implementing sustainable farming techniques, we can ensure a stable food supply for future generations.

How the Food Industry Can Get Involved in World Hunger Day 2024

The food industry plays a pivotal role in addressing global hunger. Here are some ways food industry players can contribute to World Hunger Day 2024:

Partner with Non-Profits

Form partnerships with organizations like The Hunger Project. These collaborations can support sustainable development projects, educational programs and initiatives to improve food security.

Promote Sustainable Practices

Adopt and promote sustainable agricultural practices. These include reducing food waste, using eco-friendly packaging and supporting local farmers. Sustainable practices help ensure long-term food security.

Raise Awareness

Use your platform to raise awareness about World Hunger Day 2024. Share information about the day’s events and the importance of food security. Engage your audience through social media, newsletters and promotional campaigns.

Support Local Communities

Invest in local communities to improve their food security. This can include funding community gardens, supporting local food banks and providing resources for nutrition education.

Innovate for Change

Develop innovative solutions to address hunger. This can include creating new food products, improving supply chain efficiency and leveraging technology to increase food access.

Examples of Industry Involvement in World Hunger Day 2024

Many companies have successfully contributed to and continue to fight against hunger. Here are a few examples:


Cargill works to nourish the world in a safe, responsible and sustainable way. It partners with organizations like the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to improve global food security, support sustainable agricultural practices and provide resources to farmers in developing countries.


Danone focuses on promoting health through food. Its initiatives include partnerships with local farmers, improving supply chain sustainability and supporting food access programs in underserved communities.

General Mills

General Mills partners with non-profits to address food insecurity. Its initiatives include improving agricultural productivity and reducing food waste.


Kellanova is committed to combating hunger through its Better Days program. It aims to feed those in need, promote sustainable agriculture and support local communities through food donations and nutrition education.

Kraft Heinz

Kraft Heinz contributes to the fight against hunger through its Foundation. Its initiatives focus on reducing food waste, providing meals to those in need and supporting community programs that address food insecurity.


Nestlé focuses on enhancing the quality of life and contributing to a healthier future. It supports local farmers and promotes sustainable agriculture practices.


PepsiCo is dedicated to ending hunger through its Food for Good program. This initiative provides nutritious meals to children and families in need, supports sustainable farming practices and helps improve food security in vulnerable communities.


Unilever has a long-standing commitment to sustainability and food security. Its Sustainable Living Plan aims to improve the health and well-being of over a billion people.

World Hunger Day 2024 is a call to action for everyone, including the food industry. By partnering with non-profits, promoting sustainable practices, raising awareness, supporting local communities and innovating for change, the food industry can significantly impact the fight against hunger. Let’s unite on May 28 to work towards a world where everyone has access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food.

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