Fish bioconcentration or biomagnification studies are carried out to determine whether substances have the potential to bioaccumulate and bio-magnify throughout different trophic levels. There are increasing requirements to conduct these studies on a broad variety of industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals and crop protection products across the globe, resulting in the use of significant numbers of fish. The preferred method of testing requires three doses of chemical (including a control) with up to 100 fish per dose. However, following the revision to the OECD Test Guideline (OECD 305: 2012) there is now the option to test on one concentration and the control only, providing there is scientific justification. This has the potential to decrease the numbers of fish used in these tests by one third (100 fish per study).
Here we present evidence obtained through conducting numerous bioaccumulation studies over the years, on multiple different chemicals, that the one-dose approach is an appropriate alternative to the full study. We demonstrate the applicability of the one-dose method in both aqueous exposure studies and the dietary exposure testing route. The studies conducted have all of the bio-kinetic data required and still show statistical robustness. This methodology should be embraced as a way to not only save thousands of fish but also offers significant financial savings to those needing the study.

Dr. Emma Danby, Principal Scientist, Aquatic Ecotoxicology, Covance
Dr. Emma Danby is an experienced scientist within the aquatic ecotoxicology department in Covance. She is skilled in research and development, risk assessment, and environmental fate and effects. Her expertise is aquatic testing and bespoke study design. Dr. Danby is a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Environmental Chemistry, having obtained her degree from Cranfield University.

Lindsay Knight, Scientific Project Manager, Metabolism, Covance
Lindsay Knight is a scientific project manager within the environmental metabolism department at Covance. She obtained her degree in chemistry in 1996 and has considerable experience in study directing a broad range of environmental fate and metabolism studies. Particular areas of expertise are fish bioconcentration and ADME.
Who Should Attend?
- Regulatory Experts
- Aquatic Ecotoxicologists
- Environmental Risk Assessors
- Lead Scientists
- Project Leaders
- Those who want to know more about bioaccumulation testing
- Those who want to know more about reducing animal numbers in aquatic testing
What You Will Learn
- Understand the global regulatory drivers and challenges related to bioconcentration assessment
- Be confident that Covance uses scientific insights and learnings to drive the reduction in animal numbers
Xtalks Partner
Covance is a business segment of LabCorp, a leading global life sciences company, which provides contract research services to the drug, medical device and diagnostics, crop protection and chemical industries. Employing over 21,000 people worldwide, we are the world’s most comprehensive CRO, dedicated to improving health and improving lives.
Covance is a global leader in nonclinical safety assessment, clinical trial testing and clinical trial management services. Our unique perspectives are based on decades of scientific, medical, and regulatory expertise. We generate more safety and efficacy data to support drug approvals than any other company, supporting our clients’ complete lifecycle management.
Together with our clients, Covance transforms today’s healthcare challenges into tomorrow’s solutions. Visit us at
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