

Unilever and Rising Commodity Costs + Lay’s Flavor Swap – Xtalks Food Podcast Ep. 22

Unilever and Rising Commodity Costs + Lay’s Flavor Swap – Xtalks Food Podcast Ep. 22

How is a global food player dealing with rising commodity costs? In this episode of the Xtalks Food Podcast, Sydney discusses how Unilever maintained positive growth in its second-quarter results despite rising costs. The team discusses whether they would be willing to pay more for the same amount of product in the grocery store and whether food companies should be required to inform consumers of higher retail prices. 

Also in this episode, Sydney talks about Lay’s Flavor Swap, a new line of limited-edition chips with familiar flavors. The line features Lay’s Doritos Cool Ranch, Lay’s Wavy Funyuns Onion and Lay’s Cheetos Cheese, all of which resemble Lay’s classic potato chips, but taste like Doritos, Funyuns and Cheetos, respectively. The team wonders whether these chips are innovative since Frito Lay owns all brands involved.

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Read the full articles here: 

How Unilever is Coping with Rising Commodity Costs

Lay’s Flavor Swap: New Potato Chip Flavors Aren’t New Flavors At All

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