

Full Lifecycle Recruiting to Improve a Life Sciences Organization’s Recruitment Efforts

Full Lifecycle Recruiting to Improve a Life Sciences Organization’s Recruitment Efforts

Recruiting the best employees in the life sciences industry shouldn’t be hard. There are tremendous benefits of implementing full lifecycle recruitment for life sciences organizations.

Full lifecycle recruitment can help life science and pharma companies find the best talent to fill job postings. It differs from traditional recruiting because it is a more involved hiring process. Full lifecycle recruiting involves everything from preparing the job posting to making sure the new hire has a great onboarding and orientation.

Recruiters, HR leaders and leaders in the life sciences and pharma who manage people can benefit from using full lifecycle recruiting to enhance a life sciences organization’s hiring process. However, do they understand what full lifecycle recruitment entails?

“My number one goal is for candidates to have the best experience possible. Whether you hire them or not, candidates will talk, and you want them to have the best experience and that they’re always informed,” says Adam Everett, Head of Talent Acquisition and Strategy, Biote.

“I also check in with new hires after their first week, first month and first 90 days to see if the job is what they thought it would be and what they were interviewed for. Also, if they had a great experience, they will probably refer someone to you,” adds Everett.

In a recent webinar, Everett described what full lifecycle recruitment looks like for the life sciences industry as well as tips and advice for the best recruiting in this field. The webinar is suitable for recruiters (whether they are on the agency or corporate sides of the business), HR leaders and leaders in the life sciences and pharma who manage people.

Watch the free, on-demand webinar to learn about full lifecycle recruitment efforts for life sciences organizations from an experienced recruitment executive in the life sciences industry.

What is Full Lifecycle Recruiting?

Full lifecycle recruitment is also known as 360 recruitment or end-to-end recruitment. Simply put, it is a term used to describe a complete recruiting process that involves preparing, sourcing, screening, deciding, hiring and onboarding.

“Recruiting is sales 100 percent, and we are the people that bring in the talent to the company. You are selling the job opportunity. You are explaining to the candidate what type of work they will be doing and how it will impact the company. You will need to hit the highlights of the job as far as team dynamics and growth potential,” explains Everett.

In a smaller organization, there is usually one HR generalist who also completes the full lifecycle recruitment stages. In larger organizations, there is typically an HR department where each team member is focused on a certain step in the recruiting process and there is usually one individual who oversees the entire process. However, some companies outsource all their recruitment activities.

A full lifecycle recruiter can complete all the stages of the recruitment cycle and is the first point of contact with the potential new employee.

“You will need to have some sales ideas or a pitch as to why people should work at your company versus a competitor or another company. Especially in this candidate market. I explain what the company does quickly, and I get them excited about the opportunity,” adds Everett.

How Can it Improve Business Performance?

Although full lifecycle recruiting takes more effort and resources, it has numerous benefits compared to conventional recruiting. When life science companies take advantage of full lifecycle recruitment, they can focus on finding a candidate that fits the job criteria well, and likewise make sure the candidate understands what is expected of them. This will help lower turnover and improve candidate experience in the hiring process.

When effort is placed on finding the right candidate for the role, overall team performance increases and business results improve.

How Should Full Lifecycle Recruitment Be Implemented?

Full lifecycle recruitment begins and ends with a great recruiter. Everett gave suggestions and advice throughout the webinar about how to ensure recruiting tasks are done with quality and efficiency.

“Being motivated is important in recruiting because I have certain goals and metrics that my team and myself must meet. Recruiters also must be honest and reliable. You want your managers to feel confident and comfortable when they come to you to find a job,” says Everett.

One of the most important things that a recruiter or HR leader should do is have a discussion with the hiring manager about what the right candidate profile looks like from their own words.

“You must schedule an intake session with the hiring manager or the client. This is to ensure that you know exactly what they are looking for,” explains Everett. “Even though you have carefully read the job description, you want to make sure that you hear what the right candidate looks like from their perspective. Also, ask very specific questions about certain skills, the option to work fully remote or hybrid, and more.”

The main takeaway from the webinar was that a positive attitude and good communication with the hiring manager and potential candidate is key to making the recruitment process efficient.

To learn more best practices and tips for full lifecycle recruitment, register to watch the free, on-demand webinar featuring Everett, Head of Talent Acquisition and Strategy, Biote.