Scanning QR codes on speciality marked packs of Pepsi can give you a chance to win between $5 and $25,000 to give to a friend, family member, charity, or anyone else. Pepsi is trying to spread the holiday spirit by allowing consumers to spread the joy of money by gifting it forward.
In a press release, Pepsi said that the holidays created a bad reputation for those who gift others money because it seems like a lazy gift, but they believe that it is the best gift you could give or receive. This is because they are giving others the possibility of allowing people to buy what they actually want.
Todd Kaplan, VP of marketing at Pepsi said, “our ‘Gift it Forward with Pepsi’ program is all about disrupting the typical ways that people go about holiday gift giving by enabling people to unapologetically give the gift of cash, adding a new dynamic to the overall holiday experience.”

The way the Gift it Forward program will work is that consumers must scan the QR code that appears on specially marked Pepsi products by the 31st of December. Those can be found across 12 packs of Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Zero Sugar, Wild Cherry Pepsi and Pepsi Vanilla, as well as Pepsi Mini Can 15 and 10 packs. In order to win, three matching Pepsi globe icons on your digital scratch card must appear; this gives you the chance to claim a winning cash prize. Once you have passed that stage, you may gift your prize to whoever you chose.
Nevertheless, on Pepsi’s FAQ, they answer the question of whether a person could claim a cash prize for themselves. “Yes. The holiday season is a time of giving, and we highly encourage prize winners to gift their prize forward to a friend or family member or donate it to a select charity. However, you can keep your gift for yourself simply by clicking the “Keep For Myself” option when you receive your prize.”
There is another way of entering this contest, and it’s by not purchasing any product. Pepsi wants anyone to be able to play and is offering them a free game play by mailing it to Pepsi Gift it Forward in El Paso, Texas. Contest entrants must provide Pepsi Gift it Forward with their name, address, date of birth and email address.
Pepsi’s estimated retail value for this season’s give away cash prizes is a total of $612,500.00. As well as a total of two prizes with the value of $25,000.
“So, whether you gift your winnings to a friend, a family member, or someone else, Pepsi wants to make it easier for you to get into the gifting spirit this holiday season,” said Kaplan.
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