Immune Cell-mediated Cytotoxicity: Single-cell Insights Using Droplets and Image Cytometry

Life Sciences, Laboratory Technology, Fundamental Research, Cell and Gene Therapy,
  • Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Traditional cell–cell interaction assays, including immune cell-mediated cytotoxicity assays, are typically performed in bulk, masking the true heterogeneity within cell populations. Samplix’s Xdrop® revolutionizes cell–cell interaction assays by enabling analysis at the single-cell level, thereby revealing population heterogeneity.

Xdrop’s single-cell encapsulation technology enables functional analysis of single cells or single cell pairs as they are isolated into 100 pL double-emulsion droplets (DE50 droplets). Acting as micro-scale incubators, these droplets allow exchange of CO2 and O2 while retaining larger secreted molecules. Consequently, single-cell droplet encapsulation not only permits the analysis of single cells but also all secreted molecules.

Moreover, Xdrop® facilitates the simultaneous analysis of multiple cellular functionalities at the single-cell level. An example is the combined cell-killing and granzyme B secretion assay, which provides mechanistic insights into the cell-killing process.

In this webinar, the Xcyto®5 imaging cytometer (Chemometec) is used to simultaneously analyze cell killing and granzyme B secretion at the single-cell level. This approach provides detailed mechanistic insights into cell-mediated toxicity. By leveraging the high-resolution capabilities of the Xcyto®5 image cytometer in combination with Xdrop’s single-cell encapsulation technology, the precise analyses of immune cell functional heterogeneity can be achieved.

Register for this webinar today to gain insights into how single-cell analysis can reveal intricate details of cell-mediated cytotoxicity and immune interaction.


Dr. Sidsel Alsing, Samplix

Dr. Sidsel Alsing, Field Application Scientist, Samplix

Dr. Sidsel Alsing has a background in gene therapy research. She is currently a Field Application Scientist at Samplix, where she supports customers and collaborators in using Xdrop for their single-cell functional assays and integrating the system with existing platforms for analyses.

Message Presenter

Who Should Attend?

This webinar will appeal to professionals working in the following fields:

  • Cell or gene therapy (or other cancer immune cell therapy)
  • Immune cell biology (or other cell biology)

What You Will Learn

Attendees will learn about:

  • Leveraging droplet microfluidics, specifically the Xdrop system, to support single-cell functional assays
  • Integration of a microfluidics system with image cytometers and flow cytometers for detailed and high throughput analyses
  • Single-cell analysis using an imaging cytometer

Xtalks Partner


Samplix ApS supports the life sciences and medical research communities with microfluidics-based solutions designed to deliver high-resolution insights into cells and genomes. Samplix stands ready to help academic, corporate and government researchers reach their goals in areas as diverse as engineered cell therapy, molecular engineering, and cell biology. We have developed unique microfluidics instruments to support molecular engineering: Xdrop and Xdrop Sort. These instruments enable high-throughput, sensitive, and accurate screening or functional population analysis with single-cell resolution by encapsulating living cells in highly stable double-emulsion droplets. These picoliter-sized droplets act as microenvironments for incubation and screening. Xdrop can change how you analyze and work with cells.

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